
Monday 18 March 2019

Google AdSense Tips to increase earning on the site or blog

Google AdSense Tips to increase earning on the site or blog

Google AdSense Tips to increase earning on the site or blog

Just recently, Google AdSense has published in his blog is very informative, useful and practical article of the capacity increase earnings on your website or blog. How to attract visitors to a website? This question never ceases to spin in my head owners of various Internet resources, such as large-scale and small Internet projects.

"How to make money on your website?" and "how to attract visitors to a website?" - These questions could answer service Google AdSene genius and just publishing these tips in fresh article of your blog.

That gives AdSense is not the first time advice on the application of new principles to attract users to the sites and blogs have already heard many. But not enough, another tip from Google AdSense is always unique, unique and efficient if it start to practice and implement in life.

And this time, the official blog of Google AdSense was published another painfully simple principle to increase their earnings, and this "unique and useful content."

According to AdSense, it is a unique and useful content on a website or blog can help, firstly, to attract more audience to the Internet resource, and secondly, it is the success of the advertising network, and users who will be kept informed on the site interesting and effective material .

AdSense also noticed in his article that the quality of the information published on the site seriously affect the potential of AdSense, so the success of your Internet resource Google AdSense directly concerned.

Earn money on the Internet, which can provide financial independence possible and feasible, but, says the service AdSense, so if you follow the basic principles of conducting the site (blog):

1 structure of the site should be as clear;

2 not to apply approaches that artificially inflate the number of impressions and conversions;

3 do not add to the site is not subject keywords;

4 write only useful and relevant information.

One last tip, which gave Google AdSense in the newly-made article, sounds like - "do not look for detours, and all you get!"

Google Adsense Earnings for Newbie

 Google Adsense Earnings for Newbie

To date, earnings in the Internet can be a great source of income. It should be noted that given the characteristics of work, earnings from operations in the Internet can be very high.

So you can find numerous examples where people earn in a network of several thousand dollars per month: trade on the exchange Forex, participation in affiliate programs, having your own blog and Using Google Adsense - with the help of such activities on the network can provide a permanent, stable and high earnings.

Next, we consider such a popular service like Google Adsense, which allows you to earn a few thousand dollars. Service known worldwide corporation Google Adsense, trading on which is to spread the advertising on the Internet, provides secure a steady income with absolutely no participation of the client of the program.

How to start earning money?

It's enough to register, specify the type of activity, the site and wait for the company's employees accept or refuse, stating the reasons for these decisions, your application.

In order to start using the features Google Adsense, with earnings after the organization of the system will be permanent, you need to create your own website. After all, this service offers the ability to place ads on their pages, which is paid on passing through it on the page of the advertiser. In this case, we note the following:

To poster went on criteria to this service, you need to optimize it. We are talking about the installed plugins and theme design, template. After all, not all of the templates that are available online for popular CMS, suitable for search engines and similar services. This should be taken into account in the organization of the site and apply for a job with the service of the worldwide Google.

Text on the pages of the project must be absolutely unique. After using the "stolen content" (ie, when it is copied to the other services) search engine is simply a site in the black list, and Google Adsense, trading on that by increasing the transition to third-party sites through contextual advertising, gives you the opportunity to receive a steady income only Internet resources with a unique and optimized text.

At the same time, we note that the text should be not only unique, but also decorated appropriately, have keywords.

Account is registered to do next?

After registration appears designers ad units. With the help of them you can create a block with advertising that will fit into any site. There's even possible to customize the color, size and quantity of advertising that will be displayed in the block.

Once a block is created, you will display the code and you can place on your website, in any place, in your opinion, is the most "clickable." After all, how many times your visitors click on the ads, will depend on your income. In this case, I want to emphasize that the correctness of placing ad units and design depends on the success of the work done with this system.

Going on advertising (one click) can cost anywhere from a few cents to a few dollars. It all depends on how popular and optimized online resource, in what area is carried advertising.

After registration is also using Google Adsense to earn as follows:

- Placing advertisements on their websites and blogs.

- Create your account on the system, and earn money for watching videos.

- Conduct an advertising campaign for your website using social networking spam and thematic portals.

Despite the large number of ways to generate income from this service, create your own blog is the best result. However, there are some secrets.

When creating a blog you need to consider the following:

It is possible to make a website that is set up just for earning on Google Adsense. In this case, the project will not contain any specific information or be of interest to users of the network.

Also, when creating such a site to be ready for that with his help promote other projects, affiliate programs or information product is not possible.

However, with the right for the creation of such a site will depend on the quality of created the web site, the results will be much higher than when using a blog for this purpose.

Create a blog leads to lower earnings in using this service. However, it is possible to provide revenue from partner programs or other methods.

How does this system work?

In considering this question it is worth noting that Google does not come up or anything new and complex (except that only the technical side of the organization of the supply of advertising). Once the Internet came to be perceived not only as a means of communication and entertainment, wanting to promote your project through advertising has increased considerably.

The entire complexity of the issue, until such a service, was to find a good site and advertisers to place their ads. Google Inc. has solved the problem as follows: the established system inspects sites for information, but for some it is charged the difference value of the service.

So the cost of one transition for the owner of the site, which includes information which will, for example, $ 1 and $ 2 to the advertiser. Google in this case acts as an intermediary, and charges like fees for services provided.

When you register and advertising on its website every webmaster receives a unique code that allows you to keep a record of profit in the service. When this information is available on the profit for the previous day, the current month, for the entire period after registration.

Place such advertising is possible on many resources, and a page on this service statistics can be only one. So it is most convenient to monitor the impact of placing contextual advertising space on their projects or third-party resources.

Google Adsense is by far one of the most popular services on placement of contextual advertising. This is due to the fact that in order to use this service, there is no need to carry out additional work, and the use of the content on your website can be a constant and high side income from the activity in the network.

Sunday 17 March 2019

Top Free Speed Analyzers For Your Blog

Top Free Speed Analyzers For Your Blog
When we recently installed our blog on WordPress, the default themes and the system is optimized as we want and we will do a great job to improve site performance, especially taking into account the type of hosting that we use, number of plugins that we have installed site template, etc.

After creating the blog with our theme, plugins, etc., we must analyze the load times and how this optimized our site. We can do speed tests on different free online services, keep records and then proceed to optimize our blog.

To measure results, we can use these free services analyzers and speed comparisons, once optimized the blog can again perform the tests and view the results. Among the free services available are: GTMetrix, Pingdom, the famous Speed ​​Service Google Insights, Page Speed ​​Tool Ninjas and service iwebtool

My recommendation is to use "WordPress Super Cache + CloudFlare" and achieve good results, can also create Gzip compression and further improve load times.