Thursday 8 May 2014

11 Tools like Blogger Should Use

11 Tools like Blogger Should Use
When we begin to create a very confused blog we may be with all those weird words we read when we look for tools or tutorials online on how to create or manage a blog, but as you're getting familiar with the terms and tools things become easier. There is still so much ahead to learn and discover the world and the blogosphere is uncertain.

I have personally long in the world of blogs, if I remember correctly I started in 2011, but since I've been a "well behaved blogger" I've done well on income and avoid penalties from Google, well I'm getting into other issues - that happens when you get addicted to writing - and I want to share these 12 tools that will help in many ways: improving productivity, organize your time, manage your work, etc.

Manage your emails with Outlook

One of the essential tools for any blogger organized a mail client, especially when you manage different accounts. I personally use Outlook which provides other functions such as task manager, calendar or schedule to create events, reminders, notes, etc.. Read 10 Tips to Configure Hotmail Email Account on Outlook

You can also use another great option is "Thunderbird" which I used and it works fine, but I do not like the idea of ​​installing many programs on my computer. Outlook has worked well for me so far.

Ratings, screenshots and more

In addition to Outlook, One Note office suite for Windows has many options that have helped me organize my schedule as task management and reminders for every blog that I manage. The combination of these two tools is to improve the basics and learn how to organize your work.

The interesting thing about these tools that are available wherever we go, whether with our mobile computer or tablet. Other tools you can use are Google Keep, though I try not to be too dependent on Google or Evernote; this case very useful for use with Smartphone as you can get ideas for your blog while you're away from your workplace or home.

OneNote helps me create snapshots or quick notes as ideas for future post, as well as screenshots of websites. This publication Alt1040 can see other alternatives, but consider using one of them to better organize your work.

Feedly, aware of your subscriptions.

I liked the work and had organized my feeds with Google reader, unfortunately came to an end and we had to look for alternatives. My recommendation is Feedly, which is also available for mobile terminals with which we can access updates wherever we go.

Feedly is an option that we should use to subscribe to blogs of interest also advise you to read our same thematic sites, where we can share with our followers on social networking content. It is always good to follow the competition, visit blogs and comment quality, end your blog will have some benefit. Please do not spam!

Skype to stay connected with your contacts.

Although there are many alternative messaging and video calls, Skype is one that should not miss in the list of tools that you like to use. My reason for using Skype and no other way as Facebook, Line etc, is that Skype is for professional and stay in touch with other bloggers or customers, that way I do not mix the personal with the work. Read Now You can make free video calls in groups

Managing social profiles

If you have a blog, you have a social profile for each blog. That makes the work more difficult to handle, but thanks to an excellent free tool can manage social profiles from an administration panel and monitor our users or followers.

Hootsuite is a tool that meets my needs, at least the free plan is sufficient to manage the pages and Twitter accounts that I have, but if you need more you can look for other alternatives such as those mentioned here.

This tool also comes with an option to enter the feed of your blog and make self posts to social profiles linked to the account, meaning that each time you update your blog your social networking profiles automatically receive information and create reports on the activity of your users on these social networks.

Image Editors

Image editing depends on the theme of your blog, how common these can not miss in your repertoire: GIMP or Pixlr (via web). You also have alternatives such as, or painstar Painta, all are free.

Whatever the theme of your blog, you're always going to need to tweak something in an image, usually to optimize before uploading them to your blog post.

Playing with your blog codes.

Blogger allows you to edit the code directly from the panel, but also WordPress does. However it is better to make the changes through a language editor. One of the tools for programmers or Blogger they need to make changes to the WordPress themes is Notepad + + which allows use and edit any programming language such as CSS and PHP.

On this site you can view 10 alternatives to Notepad + + which can take into consideration but I recommend at least use a not edit your blogs directly from the admin panel. For security in WordPress, for example, may block editing theme from the admin panel to avoid issues and unwanted access from attack, thus may make changes from a language editor like Notepad + +

Access via FTP

If you have a website or blog created in WordPress you must have a file manager to access your files without being entering the Cpanel of your hosting directly, this is accomplished with an FTP client and I particularly recommend "Filezilla" as it is Free, easy to use and lightweight.

All you need is to create and configure an FTP account on your hosting and using these data, adding the blog, in Filezilla to connect to your site.

Auto publish

As mentioned above, Hootsuite allows us to publish our auto post to our social profiles, there are other tools you can use and that are highly recommended and essential as TwitterFeed or

Both allow you to add the feed to your blog, add your social profiles to share information and can automatically generate reports and use your own shortener your blog.

To auto publishers you have these three alternatives: Hootsuite, Twitterfeed or Dlvr it.

Using your own custom email domains

Now with the "high" that recent Live Domains and Google apps has, we can use Zoho mail to create emails with custom domains and easily configured with Outlook, just remember to enable the option in each email account added.

The free version of Zoho Mail allows to create 5 accounts which are useful if you have 5 blogs and each with its own address or a regular user and undemanding. The service allows you to read and manage emails via web or you can also configure it for use with a mail client.

Capturing video and screen

Whenever we post an entry on our blog we use an image that is generally a screenshot of a site, an online tool or a logo. Every blogger should have a tool to create these images , as mentioned above can create your own images with some image editors listed above in this list or you can create snapshots or video tutorials on the following :

To create a screenshot of any part of a blog or website you can use an add-on for your browser. I personally use " Nimbus " because it allows me to add text and other catches and several options for storage , but you can also use " Screenshot of Google " also works well.

If what you want is to create animated like a video capture I recommend , and you should not have on your computer , " LICECap " which captures the screen size you want in an animated gif which often comes in handy.

It is noteworthy that these tools are generally for any user and does not specifically focus on one type of subjects such as pictures, creating ebooks, blogs oriented videos, infographics which we can use other tools.

You'll also find other alternatives for each of the tools mentioned above, but these are the ones that could recommend based on my experience and work to help me perform.

If you'd like to share another, which would be helpful, you know you just leave your comment!

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