Tuesday 6 May 2014

Revealed serious error in IE

Revealed serious error in IE

Microsoft has warned users that their browser, Internet Explorer (I e) in taking advantage of an error which the hacker can gain access to users' computers.

This error in Internet Explorer since version 6 to 11 is present in all versions of Microsoft specific attacks that were in the know about it.

Net market share of the worldwide browser market, eBay has been around 50 percent.

Microsoft says that they are investigating this error and the appropriate measures will be taken.

On weekends Microsoft Security Declaration stating that they released their monthly security update that will resolve the problem or if the users can be separated from the solution.

Microsoft says hackers attempting to exploit this defect was created for this specific purpose , but they can make a website for users to gain control of the computer users have to convince them come to the site .

For this they will need to have users click a link , then e-mail or Instant Messenger users will have to suffer . However, the hacker can not zbrsty users on the site .

All rights in the event of success will come to Hacker that are on this computer user . If it's time user administrative rights to the computer , then the hacker can control .

The company says that Windows Server 2003 , Windows Server 2008 , Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 are not affected by this error .

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