Sunday 11 May 2014

Should you worry? Google Hummingbird 2014

Should you worry? Google Hummingbird 2014

In recent months Google has launched " secretly " a new update of its algorithm called Hummingbird ( Hummingbird ) . Upon learning the SEO community panicked fearing another animal name and harmless appearance caused havoc in the rankings , search results and income.

Unlike Panda and Penguin ( Penguin ) this new update is launched without informing the community. The decision , however , was because this time the target was not poorly constructed sites , link directories or those whose sole purpose was to generate revenue without contributing anything of value. However results pages have not been without some chaos lately .

This article will discuss the following:

1. Google Hummingbird Does it affect the whole SEO?
2 . What is happening with Panda and Penguin?
3 . Which is needed to maintain a high position facing the 2014?

Does it affect the entire Hummingbird Google SEO?

To be brief , no. Unlike Panda and Penguin , Hummingbird is not intended to end the web with high rankings due to make web SPAM. Instead it focuses on better understanding the semantic web and the use of knowledge or Knowledge Graph Graph.

In particular Hummingbird Google tries to understand conversational language in a more optimized algorithm than it has in the past form . Before this update query such as: " restaurants close to my house " I did was match the keywords " Restaurant " and " home." If there was a restaurant called "Mi Casa" somewhere in this accident was that showed the best result regardless of which could be hundreds of miles away .

OK , but ... Affects SEO or not?

The correct answer is: Yes and no. Knowledge Graph This is where it comes into play . These graphs of knowledge are , in essence, an attempt to provide more accurate search results and applied , for example, distances between places, people data , lists, comparisons, etc. . However commercial searches apparently have not even begun to be reflected or are doing it very slowly.

What's up with Panda and Penguin?

No one knows exactly what happens when Google updates its algorithm but we know who is focused as in the case of the Panda and Penguin Matt Cutts himself took care to advertise. In recent months this guy has been pretty quiet, remember that Hummingbird was not announced because it did not focus directly penalize websites. However search results, the positioning and trafficking have been fluctuating a lot.

A secret update we neither know the name? No. What is happening is what many have called SEOs Penguin 2.0. Just Google has continued to adjust the Penguin unlike Panda algorithm it seems that at least for now, remains quieter.

What to do in the face for 2014 ?

I have no definite answer for this as neither work nor know their Google algorithm. However there are certain patterns that have been watching and which coincide with many SEO specialists .

Over- optimized link text ( anchor text ) link building do not naturally and not worry about the loading speed of site woes are known for some time . What has changed is that Panda and Penguin are now better at detecting these anomalies.

The keyword is : Authority .

The authority of a website is now more important than ever. Often it is observed that sites with authority in a particular subject are surpassing search results to other more Page Rank and hundreds of inbound links . A Google cares about the content, good content .

Before one day you could enlist your hundreds of web directories and get many backlinks . This worked for quite some time , until Panda and Penguin devastated the face of the earth ... ahem, I mean internet .

Create content and quality are much more complicated and does not happen overnight . Only those who have the determination to add value to your community will emerge unscathed from the wrath of God ... ahem Google .

Already are not important inbound links ? If much but only if they come from other authority sites and / or related to your topic or area of ​​action.

And what about the Page Rank? This indicator has lost a lot of value in the algorithm and today is not a major factor . For more information their own algorithm has not been updated for a year .

Conclusion .

Hummingbird , Panda and Penguin are not very different from what has been seen in the past . What Google has been doing with them is just be more efficient to separate the wheat from the chaff. As I said the key is to create quality content sites that provide value to others. In other words become an authority in your field.

What your website has PR6 , are in the first position and has not done any of that ? As the song says: " Wait a minute ... a little more ... "

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