Saturday 5 July 2014

The new display Technology Sharp screens allow all forms

The new display technology Sharp screens allow all forms
For so long we have been surrounded by square and rectangular screens it's hard to imagine them otherwise. However, Sharp wants to change that as soon achieved a major technological breakthrough that will allow the screens of our devices with screens of different shapes.

Thanks to a technology called "Free-Form Display", Sharp has found a way to organize the circuits in a liquid crystal display. Typically we find that the circuit conductors running on the outside of the LCD panels, where they are arranged over the pixels of the screen and it allows the bevel can be considerably reduced, as to provide different shapes screens.

Still time to see this kind of screens in cell phones or tablets, but would very soon display technology to another level.

One of the clearest implementations of this new technology would be on the boards of the carriages and possibly smart watches. Sure, Motorola seems to be a little ahead with the circular screen of Moto 360, but that functionality has to be seen to see how it can compare with this technology.

Sharp says they plan to screen different ways to market in 2017, so for now we wait.

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