Wednesday 3 September 2014

Chemistry (properties of Hyderogen)

Hey Friends My teacher Sir Jumman Shah Sahab From Mastang Taught me .....He told me that never Stop teaching To People So i start this blog for teaching .In this Blog I will teach You More Subjects Like Physics , Chemistry, biology , Maths , Geography ,Astronomy , Etc . Now This Post is About Chemistry Hyderogen Gas . This gas is Abandon in Air. So i Gonna Teach You Its Physical Properties . So Lets Start There is Basic Physical Properties of Hydrogen Gas .

(a) Physical Properties :

(i) Pure Hydrogen is a colorless Odourless and tasteless Gas.
(ii) Hydrogen has three isotopes (protium,Duterium,Tritium).
(iii) Its Boiling point is -253 c In Liquefies.
(iv) Its melting point is -260 c in Freezes.
(v) Its Density is 0.090 g/cm3.
(vi) Its band energy is 431 KJ / mole.
(vii) Its Electron affinity is -73 KJ/ mole
(viii) Its ionization energy is 1312 KJ / mole.
(ix) Its electronegativity is 2.1.
(x) Its Atomic Radius is 0.037 nano meter (nm).
(xi) It is insoluble in water.
(xii) It is highly inflammable.
(xiii) When it burns then it gives bluish flame.
(xiv) It is non toxic in nature.

(B)Chemical Properties :

(i) Dual Behaviour :
when hydrogen atom loses one electron then hydrogen ion (+H) is produced when hydrogen atom gains one electron then hydride ion (-H) is produced.
Hydrogen may short its one electron as in case hydrogen molecule (H2).
Hx + Ho -------> HxoH or H-H
its most componands are covalent eg: Water , Ammonia , Methane , etc While its Hydrogen with highly reactive metals are ionic eg: Sodium Hydride.

Written By Urooj Fatima

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