Friday 5 September 2014

Water And Its Importance With Urooj Fatima

Hi Friends Today Topic is About Water and its Importance so Lets start Dont Waste Time . 

Water (H2O) :

Importance :

Water is a universal solvent it is the most abundant compound on the earth it has a greater role in laboratory in homes and agriculture human
body contains 65% to 75% by weight of water Most fruits and vegetables contain excess of water

Occurrence :

Total amount of water on earth is about 1.33 billion cubic kilometers . 71 % of our earth is covered by water 97% of earth water is in the form of oceans the rest of water is in
the form of glaciers , ice-caps ground water and irland water. in our atomosphere large quantities of water is presend in the form of vapours sea water contains 3-4%
of soduum chloride with many other salts so sea water is not good for human use.
Structure of water Molecule:
water is simple triatoms molecule the oxygen atom of water molecule has six electron in its outer most orbit. it will share two electrons with two hydrogen atom
to form covalent bond while two pairs of electron are called IONE.Pairs of Electron
LONE.Pairs of Electron ------Ooo_____------H----H

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